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Examples of using the OpenFGA .NET SDK

A set of Examples on how to call the OpenFGA .NET SDK


Example 1: A bare bones example. It creates a store, and runs a set of calls against it including creating a model, writing tuples and checking for access.

Running the Examples


  • docker
  • make
  • .net sdk

Run using a published SDK


  1. Clone/Copy the example folder
  2. Run make to build the project
  3. If you have an OpenFGA server running, you can use it, otherwise run make run-openfga to spin up an instance (you'll need to switch to a different terminal after - don't forget to close it when done)
  4. Run make run to run the example

Run using a local unpublished SDK build


  1. Build the SDK
  2. In the Example project file (e.g. Example1.csproj), comment out the part that specifies the remote SDK, e.g.
  <PackageReference Include="OpenFga.Sdk" Version="0.2.5"><PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets></PackageReference>

and replace it with one pointing to the local dll

  <Reference Include="OpenFga.Sdk">
  1. Run make to build the project
  2. If you have an OpenFGA server running, you can use it, otherwise run make run-openfga to spin up an instance (you'll need to switch to a different terminal after - don't forget to close it when done)
  3. Run make run to run the example