- Location: Zoom
- Date: Feb 18, 2022 12:00 PM (EST)
1. The Carpentries (TC) connection! Woohoo!
- 👆 Figure out a fast track review for these
- Capture in the metadata - capture their internal reviewers, editorial check might be all that we need?
- How to collect metadata of review process from the carpentries lab?
- Do we need at least one reviewer? Do a quick soft review?
- From a tech/submission standpoint the capentries submits should still have to go through the same review process.
- Have one of our editors go through (30-60 minutes) and review their submits
- We don't want a double standard, but we do want a quick review process since they've already been vetted
- What form would a fast track review take?
- The editor essentially does the review, make sure there's nothing missing for our specific requirements
- The Carpentries already has a fairly robust review so makes sense to just have editor do a quick review - you assign yourself as the reviewer/editor and still go through the checklist
- Thinking about reviewers now...maybe we have The Carpentries community identify one/maybe two reviewer(s) to do a JOSE review
- In summary: for each paper in particular - when TC passes over paper they also nominate a reviewer.
- Like the idea of adding reviewers from TC community
2. The Intermediate Earth Analytics Online Textbook
- #131
- Issue with license/it's not that thorough of a work/reviewer took a look and felt like this was too big of a project with too many errors to be reviewed and back out. What do we do?
- Is revenue for a course a deal breaker?
- Not really, not a criterion that would disqualify something
- It sounds like two problems (should we even review based on the license type? Given the size of the work should we review?)
- Because there is so much work needed to be done it sounds like a reject because by the end of the review it sounds like it might be a different work entirely based on the current quality of the work.
- A book should be published as a book, not a paper. A book needs an ISBN not a DOI.
- Reject because this is a book
- 👆 can self publish and get a DOI if that's what they want, but it's just out of scope for JOSE
- We just can't ask people to review textbooks
- Major issues: If it's missing a substantial part we should reject it until it comes back with major issues fixed.
- We are in agreement that this submission should be rejected
- How do we reject graciously? Editorial team met to see if there was any way forward and unfortunately we weren't able to see a way forward with this publication. It does not appear to be the right fit for JOSE.
3. Non-Commercial License Policy
- Sometimes institutions have specific types of licenses that are acceptable
- As long as it is an open-source license JOSS is agnostic to it
- Maybe adopt a policy of recommending but not requiring
4. Editorial Bot is Changing
- Has not hit JOSS yet
- Arfon did some webinars for JOSS editors so they are aware of changing - if he recorded we should send out to JOSE
- It's mostly the same bot, just called editorial bot instead of whedon
- The main difference is related to checklist generation for reviewers
- You don't have to be added as a collaborator anymore to make comments during review process
- Doesn't drop reviewers after two weeks of not accepting review request
- Straight forward handling of branches is also new
- Submitter can indicate branch, editorial bot then knows to check that branch for everything - Bot will remember
5. Parting Thoughts
- Maybe this is a time that works generally for people, so maybe we could make this a standing meeting.
- Make this a regular (maybe third Friday of the month at 12PM)
- Maybe next step is to figure out how can we publicize JOSE a bit more - what strategies should we be thinking about?
- Are there conferences we are going to where we can pub JOSE?
- Bioinformatics Open Source Conference is coming up, Jason is going, would like to be able to pub
- SciPy is happening and Kyle is planning to attend, could pub JOSE there
- Create a standard blurb/slides about JOSE that we can share at these events?
- Have a free 15/30 minutes to work on JOSE things and you aren't editing right now? Work on the blurb/slide deck in Google Slides.
- Kyle will share Lightning talk he gave about JOSE in 2018 in Slack
- Could be a zoom meeting/authors forum/YouTube video posted somewhere?
- There is a large space of educators that have no idea that JOSE exists and that they could be publishing here
- Should we update some sort of expectations for the editors? (every two weeks check-in on your reviewers)
- Once a month check-in is the minimum, whether it be the meeting, or a ping on slack.
- Should also send to the groups.io