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BogdanChil chilianubogdan
Web Developer


Hung Nguyen nguyenanhung
Một tiêu một kiếm dọc giang hồ

@bear8421 Hanoi, Vietnam

Yavor Dashev y-dashev

@weareevermore Sofia, Bulgaria

Mehmet Durmus MhmtDurmus
Software Engineer


Mattia Müggler m-mattia-m
Software developer from Switzerland🇨🇭.

St. Gallen・Switzerland

MortyFx MortyFx
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Ontario, Canada

sanford Sanford2020
Sanford sanford


Robby Thompson robsdudeson
Building cool things with equally cool people. Talk to me if you need some help with that. Agent #00119 @testdouble

@testdouble Circleville, Ohio, USA

Nour Hikmah nour-hikmah
Computer Science, Cyber Security, Software Engineer, Robotics, Blockchain and Game developer.

Aetheric team

Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


Rubens Franco francomile
Senior Systems Engineer | DevOps. Solutions Engineer at @varnish

@varnish Spain

Mike Mulchrone WingZer0o
Senior Software Engineer

Infoed Global Saint Cloud, FL, USA

Keith Lin KeithLin724
Hi, My name is Keith Lin, come from HK, You can call me KY, I like C/C++ Python and Java, Clean code, Pythonic. @basiclab

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hong Kong

SqueamishGeek SqueamishGeek
Programmer, New Zealand

New Zealand

Dinh Phu Nguyen dinhphu28
Back end developer with many years experience in web technologies. Hobbies: Listening to music, learning guitar, piano and about technology. Love cat.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education Ho Chi Minh City

Jacob Hoehler jdh313

@WaitesWireless Cincinnati, OH

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

jurgen paul westerveld jpaul8282
Oistars WebShop & Brands and Oistarsentertainment are two projects created by Jurgen Paul Westerveld, an artist, movie creator and web & data tech entertainment

Oistarsentertainment Amsterdam

Kax675 Kax675
Hey 👋, I'm Kax! aka. Kaxözæ

@OpenAnime Malatya, Türkiye

Rishi Raj Sikorsky3301

Working on a Tech Startup

Allison Turner Allison-Turner
computer nerd && devotee of mother anarchy

San Diego, CA