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James Oswald James-Oswald
Computer Science PhD student @RPI. Researcher at the @RAIRLab.

@RAIRLab Troy, New York, USA

Alex alexandorr55
I'm on the side of the absolute hope that can overcome any despair.
cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

TKoz tkoz0
I completed my B.S. degree in Math+CS and M.S. degree in Applied Math at RPI. I like math and algorithms.

New Jersey

Silver Shen OddBallJen
A Computer Science and Cognitive Science person!
Gabriel Jacoby-Cooper Gerzer
Software engineer; App Store Frameworks @ Apple; Computer Science + Philosophy @ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; previously built iVerify @ Trail of Bits

Apple Cupertino, CA