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Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Steve Martin marberts
Using economics and data science to measure the economy.

Statistics Canada Ottawa, Canada

Hamid hagha19
PhD, Remote Sensing; Machine Learning

Quebec city

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Clinton Lunn clintonlunn
Geographic Enthusiast

Salt Lake City, UT

William Chow wkhchow

Natural Resources Canada Vancouver

Scott Hatcher svHatch
A GIS and Remote Sensing Developer with a keen interest in drones and coastal science. I like Python, R, and bash.

Canadian Coast Guard Halifax, NS, Canada

Patrick Little PatLittle

@canada-ca @open-data

Pascal Martineau lewebsimple
Avid multi-enthusiast

Le Web Simple New Richmond, QC, Canada

Anthony Lukach alukach

@developmentseed Nelson, BC, Canada

Abd. Malik A. Madinu ikalmalik
Undergraduate Student, Scientist, Researcher Academic, Natural Disaster, Geophysics, Applied Meteorology, and Spatial Researcher

@ipbssrs Bogor, INDONESIA

Rahmat Asy'Ari arihutan
Scientist at IPB University. Forest and Environment Science: Geo-Artificial Intelligence (Geo-AI), GeoComputation, & Ecoinformatics

@ipbssrs Bogor, INDONESIA

je construis des programmes et interface le super-ordinateur de SSC. Je travaille de près ou de loin avec NRCan. sysadmin, dba...

Shared Services Canada QC

Anthony Fok anthonyfok
I am a Debian Developer and package Go programs like Hugo the static website generator (@gohugoio).

@NRCan; @Debian Edmonton, Canada

Rémi Tavon remtav

@NRCan Sherbrooke, Qc

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Franco Nogarin spydmobile
Franco is an advocate for all things Open Source. He strives for greater acceptance of the Open Source concepts as a primary tool in public service.

Government of the Northwest Territories Northwest Territories, Canada

Dan T thompsdk
Working mostly on wildfire. "Using a Git commit is like using anchors and other protection when climbing. " - Hadley Wickham

Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Brett M BadgerOnABike
Wildfire modeller, R coder.


Kamy kaminderpal
Full Stack Engineer

Kmediastudio Waterloo

Ben Soicher bsoicher

@dnd-mdn Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Sébastien Durand SebastienDurand

Natural Resources Canada Ottawa

Nadine Beaudin NadineASC

Canadian Space Agency Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Joost van Ulden jvanulde

Government of Canada/Natural Resources Canada Vancouver, BC