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Erfan shafiee erfanshafieeee
Computer Engineering


Shayan Shahrabi ShayanShahrabi
Computer Science Student at Shahid Beheshti University

Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran

VatsalJha Vatsal-Jha256
I'm a 3rd year undergraduate at VIT Vellore exploring my passion for data science and machine learning.
Mohammad Saleh Hamrahi SalehHamrahi

Mandegar Alborz high school Tehran, Iran

Shengxiang Huang H-SkyWalkers-X
A student in Hefei University of Technology,"I am eager to learn on GitHub and contribute my part to this community."

Hefei University of Technology Hefei, Anhui

NieGuangFu Astername
My name is NieGuangFu, I am a computer major in software engineering at Hefei Normal University
Aryan Shahbaz AryanShahbaz

Allame Helli 7 Tehran

Pedro Cunha Pvcunha
I'm graduating in computer engeneering at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
Nader Zare naderzare
Software developer at IGT. The leader of the CYRUS robotic team won the championship of the Robotic Worldwide competition (RoboCup).

IGT Canada

One of the participants of the 2D Soccer Simulation league

None Iran,Tehran

Li Fangqiao Ch1llNoodle
Is this real life, or is this just Fanta Sea?
Sy03 Sy0307

taobao Hangzhou

过拟合 bestpredicts
KAGGLE GM |知乎过拟合 |学习->总结->分享

AntGroup China

Robocup2D BeyondAlice Team Leader&AI Algorithm Engineer


roy wang roy7w
