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Karsten Siemer KarstenSiemer
Just some dude

Aetherize Hamburg

Matt Copperwaite yamatt
Secure IT through Agile delivery

Financial Times London, UK

Melissa annette Martinez Melissa1181

melissa martinez dallas texas

thelooter thelooter
⚙️Kotlin Developer from Germany 🎮 Currently working on @d2checkpoint-com Earth, probably

Kristina Devochko guidemetothemoon
A hands-on techie who gladly chats about code, cats and motorcycles. Advocate of being nice and kind to others 🐈


Reto Schneider rettichschnidi
Fish plus time

@husqvarnagroup Switzerland

Will Slattum wrslatz
Software engineer in the OSPO @capitalone ☕ 💻 ⛰️

Capital One Asheville, NC

Steffen Gebert StephenKing
Infrastructure dude at @emnify. Running mobile core networks on AWS.

@emnify Würzburg, Germany

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ahmed Alaa El-Din ( Ahmed Andaloes) ahmedandaloes
Python & Node.js Developer. penetration Tester.

AnDaLoeS Egypt.Alexandria

Florian Kromer fkromer
System architect, software architect/DevSecOp/developer, startup accelerator... swiss army knife.

ABUS Security Center GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg

G3G4X5X6 G3G4X5X6

End of the World

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
cyw goatwu1993
Backend/Devops. Django/DRF/celery. AWS


ICS booper aka professional OT pentester
gabi gspanoae

@quasar1com @pulsarwaveapp

Pascal Schmitt PaezRice
juggling bits and bytes


David Dashti Dashtid
QA/RA & Security Specialist

Hermes Medical Solutions Stockholm, Sweden

João Oliveira jotavare
DevOps Engineer

Bosch Portugal

Arthit Suriyawongkul bact
Digital rights and civic tech at @thainetizen and @mekongict. Now doing PhD in AI ethics and data governance at Trinity College Dublin.

ADAPT Centre Dublin and Bangkok

Bonnytrader Makeuptehrani
I'm technical analyst
Sam samirmaalouf
EXPERIENCED IT Business, Data, Decision, Telecom And Systems Analyst, in lifelong learning...