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Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Anca Anghelea aapopescu
Open Science, Digital Innovation, Earth Observation for Science and Applications

European Space Agency (ESA) Italy

Lazaro Alonso lazarusA
Physicist. Julia - Data- Visualization. Suggestions/PRs encouraged.

Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena, Germany

Daniel Loos danlooo
Full Stack Engineer and Data Scientist

Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena, Germany

Harald Schilly haraldschilly
QBasic and Pascal when young, grew up with R, Java, C and friends, dived deep into Python and JS, and still happy to make new friends like the Go Gopher, …

vienna, austria

Felipe M3nin0
Software Developer | Master in Applied Computing on Reproducible Earth Observation Science (INPE)

@geo-knowledge-hub @e-sensing Brazil

Nikolina Mileva nmileva
Research Assistant

University of Augsburg Augsburg, Germany

Stephan Meißl Schpidi
free and open source software, open data, maps, space, entrepreneurish, at @EOX-A, skiing, climbing, occasionally Sherlock

EOX Vienna, Austria