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Willem Th. van Peursen WTvanPeursen
I did a PhD in Hebrew Linguistics, Leiden University and continued to work in Digital Approaches to Hebrew and Syriac texts.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, @ETCBC Amsterdam

Shuai Wang shuaiwangvu
This is my account since 2019. For the old repos associated with my old account, see

VU Amsterdam Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Leobardo Oscar Alcántara Ocaña leobardooscar
I was born in Mexico city in 1972. I'm interested in Science, Technology, Politics & Human behaviour. I love Music, Cinema, Photography & Web design.

ITESO University Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico

MrJay MrJCraft
Programmer, and Co Founder of Tome Productions

Tome LLC

Gregory Jordan lordfrishetti1
Christian, husband, father of 6, composer, songwriter, hymnologist, and, on occasion, a software engineer.

Birmingham Metro, Alabama, USA


Madrid, Spain

Future Elected American Constitutionally Bound Public Servant, American Constitutional Officer, U.S. Senator, Brandon Kastning KastningBrandon
Awesome Lifelong Medicaid-D SSI + Subsidies, Disabled Natural Born American Citizen! Lover of JESUS, CREATION, BEAUTIFUL DAMSELS, EDUCATION + JUSTICE!

Not of This World Arlington, WA (Snohomish County, WA), Overtly Overthrown United States of America, THE Constitutional Republic -- MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT; MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS per The Holy Christian Book of Revelation (KJV/KJV1611)

Joshua CosmosHua
Graduated from RUC Physics, now interested in CV & DL.

CTO Office, Glodon Beijing, China

Mark G. Bilby mgbilby
Digital Humanist doing all the things | PhD, RS/JCA (Virginia) | MSLIS (Drexel) | Principal, Clavis Consulting, LLC (Kansas) | Member, Optimized IP, LLC (Calif)

Clavis Consulting, LLC (Kansas) United States

mad0perator mad0perator
full stack freedom


Logan Copley ceramicquasar
PhD student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam studying the Peshitta.


Anthony Barakat abara15
Development Operations Engineer

Sydney, Australia

Matt McElwee Renddslow
Lead Developer at BibleProject

BibleProject Omaha, NE

Tony Jurg tonyjurg
Biblical Studies and Digital Humanities

Amsterdam Area

Dan biblenerd
Husband, father, thinker, anachronism detector, coder, and geek. That sentence was intentionally written with an Oxford Comma.


Avi BenEmanuel benemanuel
"Worship the Lord with joy. Enter his presence with joyful singing." (Psalms 100,2)

Shir Hashirim Institute Israel