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XU Zhiwei deligentfool

Shandong University Jinan, China

Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

Danielle Meer ALGOREX-PH
Private Repositories for future References

Machine Learning Engineer Makati City, PH

Meghana Kotcherlakota megkotch09
Computer Science @ Georgia Institute of Technology
Rohan Saphal rohansaphal97
AI enthusiast. Focusing on Reinforcement learning and Deep learning for Autonomous Driving, Algorithmic trading and General Artificial Intelligence


Dhruv Parmar dhruv-2615p
Student of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati, Assam.


Psemicol Murty psemicol
CS PhD student, interested in AI, ML, RL for Network Performance Optimization in Mobile Edge Computing Systems


Lucas Aschenbach LucasAschenbach

Technical University Munich Munich

雪人 v4if
大模型AI Infra
Federico MrPiada
Software Developer | PhD in Physics

Develer S.r.l. Italy

Qiyu hizhangqiyu
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong !

Shanghai, China

CILENCE cilence

University of Science and Technology of China BeiJing.China

Hailin Wang timothyUcas
I am Hailin Wang, a student from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Anmol Agarwal anmolagarwal999
Grad Student @ Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Nikhil Singh ciniks117
Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
James A. Black Jr. jamesblackjr

Programmer Incorporated LLC

Jubba Smail JubbaSmail
Security Architect

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Aboozar Roosta aboozarroosta
Mobility Researcher / Engineer

Wuppertal University Düsseldorf Greater Area, Germany

ML Engineer @ PeopleFund

PeopleFund Seoul

Spyros Ponaris stevsharp
Tech Lead | Senior Software Engineer | .NET Enthusiast | Author on & (BSc, MSc, MCPS, MCSD)

Web Athens Greece

Prabhash Kumar Jha prabhashj07
Software Research Engineering Intern @naamiinepal

NAAMII Kathmandu, Nepal

Bhimraj Yadav bhimrazy
💻 Software Engineer | 🧠 AI Engineer | 🌍 Opensource Contributor | 🌐 Research Enthusiast in Computer Vision & Generative AI


Gustavo Gabriel Ribeiro GustavoZiel
Computer Science student at University of São Paulo
