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Kairo venomveins
Lessons learnt are never regretful but only accepting for any outcome
beeman beeman
Bram Borggreve Nomad. Polyglot. Dev. Ops. Building @pubkeyapp 🅿️ Founder @BeeSoftLabs 🇨🇴. I ❤️ my girl, Open Source Software and education!


Rares Munteanu rares-munteanu-gl

@GridlockNetwork Bucharest

Izel Nakri | izelnakri.eth izelnakri
Every man must decide whether he'll walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. Use emberjs or I wont take u seriously

Ruby, JavaScript, TS, elixir, rust, k8s, lua, nix, pkl, android Madrid | Amsterdam