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Thijs M ThijsMaenhout

Atree Pittem, Belgium

Sarah BaderSarah
I am a student at Hogent, majoring in Information Technology.


Luc Vervoort lucvervoort

HOGENT Ghent, Belgium

Iljo iljo-dp-hogent
Use neovim, never look back.
milan milvld
(meta)data engineer @viaacode (aka meemoo) | "I never met-a-data I didn't like" 🥁

meemoo vzw Ghent

Luís ln-001

@Bahamut-Software Belgium

Charan Chander CharanChander
Computer Science Student at HOGENT

Eiland X Ghent

Tristan Cuvelier MrClassicT
Currently educating myself at HoGent.


Simon Dierickx SimonDierickx
Student System & Network administrations @ HoGent

Transcribix Ghent

Adem Ayari ademayari
Bachelor/Master student in Computer Science


Secondary GitHub for college projects and friend projects.
Bram Van Coile bramvc15
Java Developer eager to learn and grow while building efficient and impactful software solutions.
Jan Willem jw-hogent
Lector @ HoGent
