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Kleber Shimabuku klebershimabuku

Shigotodoko São Paulo, Brazil

Gabriel da Silva drizion
hello world :)

Drizion Brazil

Edgar Manuel Janota ndulomk

calungaSOFT Luanda

Vinicius Rocha hayatokzn
Software Engineer | Design anywhere I can.

São Paulo, Brazil

Christopher Ribeiro ChristoPy
Full-Stack Engineer | Building

@dymmepay @alertpix Brazil

Dishma237 nstephane

Johannesburg, South Africa

Marcelo Henrique Neppel marceloneppel
Senior Software Engineer

@Canonical São Bento do Sul - Brazil

Vanessa Leite Vanessa-Girliem
Estudante | Front-End | HTML | CSS

Estudante São Paulo, Brasil

Rafael Escrich rafaelescrich
Blockchain Engineer, Cryptography enthusiast and studied Information Systems @ Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brasil

@dfb-chain Florianópolis

Gandhi Mesquita mahatmagm
IT Manager @ Valeshop, Brasília Interests: Payment Systems and Methods, DevOps, Cloud Archtecture.

Brasília, Brazil

Mateus Nobre mateusnobre

São Paulo, Brazil

Arthur Ribeiro arthurkz
Senior Software Engineer | Golang | AWS | Java at Lerian 🦈

Lerian Av Hitalo Ros, 1865 - Araxá, MG

a6santa a6santa
Tenho mais de 5 anos de experiência na área de dados, já atuei como Analista de BI, Engenheiro de Dados, Tech Lead e Head de dados, sempre buscando as melhores


Nykolas Laurentino de Lima nykolaslima

@varejointegrado São Paulo / Brasil

Leticia @levxyca levxyca
boas-vindas ao meu cantinho mágico onde os códigos se transformam em projetos legais 🐼

@feministech Brasil

Thales Augusto Reis thalesreisbr Itajuba/MG- Brasil

Mariana Lopes marigarciamlopes
Ph.D. and Master in Chemical Engineering from Unicamp, C++ and Phyton Developer and Technology enthusiast.

Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona

Jefferson Rodrigues jeffersonrodrigues92
Apaixonado por tecnologia

Lerian Barueri

Pachi Parra pachicodes
👩🏼‍💻Developer Relations , 🎴Tarot Reader, 🐈‍⬛️Cat Mom, 🔥Chaotic Good.

@GitHub Brasil

Gabriel Brecci qnen

@LerianStudio São Paulo, Brazil

henrycunh henrycunh
nomething sew

meistrari rio

Thierry Santos 0xthierry
senior software engineer | helping companies, build, launch and monitor LLMs applications

@meistrari sao paulo

Wellington Cristi Vilela Santana Wellington01

@kodustech Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil

Leandro Gomes Breve leandrogbreve

Neo Soluções Tecnológicas

Douglas Luan DougBR
Computer Engineer & MSc. (University of São Paulo) ML Engineer | Investor

Formoso Brasil

Felipe Gomes gitfelipegomes
Technical Product Manager @LerianStudio

Jaraguá do Sul/SC

Charles Abreu charlesabreu

Serra Azul Software São Paulo, Brasil

Gabriel Leandro gabrielleandro0801
Software Enginner II | NodeJS | Python | AWS

Dock - Banking as a Service Osasco, SP