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Mathieu AtMath

Renault Group Paris, France

hilam hilam8899
I am a free man, I love embeded and C#
Jana Koteich Janakoteich

CITI INSA Lyon, Inria France

Ali Parto aliparto
Senior Embedded Engineer

Soren Afzar

Soheil Beigi Soheil-B94
[C, C++, Python]

Esfahan, Iran

Tymn TymnWy
Make Open Source, not war.


Del Torio BryndellTorio
Hey There! I provide consulting services. In case you need help in Hardware Design and Firmware Development. Feel free to contact me: bryndelltorio@gmail

SensorFlow Singapore

Brian Chan brianjychan
eng @ Gridware (prev Formal, Syncro, Stanford)
Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada


On the mars

Rafael Silva RafinhaPapa
Técnico em Automação e Técnico em Eletrotécnica. Cursando Engenharia de Mecatrônica. Áreas de Atuação: Sistemas Embarcados, Microcontroladores.


The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Anol Paisal Apaisal
Bone and Gone

EmOne Thailand

Electrical Killer electrical-killer
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
whatshu whatshu
sudo chmod -R 666 /*
IUueana IUueana
liai微信:liaiwechat QQ:1641210825 CSDN:

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