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Triducal triducal
18 | Roblox Developer


Adam Blaadam

United Kingdom

Trelakor trelakor
Graphic designer, video maker, content creator, journalist, and Roblox game developer. (GMT-4 / EDT)

Roblox North Carolina

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Avafe ImAvafe
Game developer, creator of cool things
i like to code but i don't take it seriously
GYFDB gyfdb
Doggy Software Engineer
Laimonas Mileska LM-loleris
@MadStudioRoblox Lead developer! Self-taught, as mediocre as they come coder. I like stuff that works, and I also like stuff that will work later.

@MadStudioRoblox Lithuania

Galaxy Modz GalaxyModzDev
Hi | Software & Game Dev

@Kalion-Studios A Galaxy that is Modded

Edin edintresnjic
Backend Developer
Roblox game developer


Lime PulsarLime
TypeScript and Luau programmer.
Leah V. sehae
A CS student with a short attention span.
