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Rushan Mukhutdinov RushanM
Game developer and Russian translator

Deflecta Russia

ふらまりん Flamarine

@Nova-Committee @Prismwork Sichuan, China

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

' Yuzi!! Siyuziq
main: @unsleepv , I spam follow just for fun :3 .

' ☘️ ... Literally lazy to make a rentry :/

gold goldstargloww
just a random blob you encountered on the internet

the void

ShiroJR JR1811
Hello, I'm ShiroJR, a university student from Germany. This is my private GitHub Profile. I am currently working with Java, C# and other WebDev technologies.
Damir Modyarov otomir23

@elytrium Moscow, Russia

Oliver Oliver-makes-code
Java/JS/TS/Rust/Kotlin, dev for @QuiltMC and @The-ProxyFox-Group, portfolio:

Nebraska, United States

tibs TibiNonEst
developer and sysadmin

the stars

pixie pixelcmtd
I like Vim and trains.

@chrissxMedia /usr/bin/env WindowServer

Yjn024 JieningYu
No.24 of Yjn

Beijing, China

Jay jschenke488

Kansas City, MO

asoji asoji
fun bio(): String { return "I'm just a `software dev`" }

in one of the IKEA drawers denting your local laptop lid

HappiePlant HappiePlant
🏳️‍🌈 🐧 Linux, FOSS and GNOME user/enthusiast


Jules NotNite
jack of all trades, master of none. programmer, game modder, reverse engineer, shitposter. FOSS fanatic. let's build cuteware!

washington d.c.

Ran Ran-Mewo
i-i sometimes wike to code >~<
