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Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Laura Boisvert-Marsh laurabm

Natural Resources Canada

Patrick Little PatLittle

@canada-ca @open-data

Pouria Kourehpaz pkourehpaz
Research Fellow in Multi-hazard Risk & Resilience Engineering

University College London London, UK

Yongfei Wang wangyf
Research Scientist

Verisk Extreme Event Solution Boston

Arun arunkom

AAFC Edmonton, Canada

Dan T thompsdk
Working mostly on wildfire. "Using a Git commit is like using anchors and other protection when climbing. " - Hadley Wickham

Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada

Donghoon Lee gnodnooh

University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Mustafa Faisal MFaisalZaki
PhD Student, Diverse Planning

Uni of St Andrews

Ben Soicher bsoicher

@dnd-mdn Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Negara Bebek

Mitesh Dandade Mitesh411
Sr Automation Engineer

Classified Location

Code Revisited qdriven


Anthony Fok anthonyfok
I am a Debian Developer and package Go programs like Hugo the static website generator (@gohugoio).

@NRCan; @Debian Edmonton, Canada

Joost van Ulden jvanulde

Government of Canada/Natural Resources Canada Vancouver, BC