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rdas-nev RodrigoEstrela
Tech Intern at @42Berlin NSNO.

Berlin, Deutschland

Josef Viehhauser jviehhauser
At QuantCo; ex-BMW data platform lead

@quantco Munich, Germany

Ripan Roy Ripan-Roy
SWE @QtaneaSolutions | Prev | GenAI & Healthcare | CSBS'24 @Tiu

QtaneaSolutions Pune, IN

Sergio Olmos solmos

Sanofi Barcelona

Pushkar V pushkar5586
Source code should always be open for everyone to read, edit and use.


Tingkai Hu Armorhtk

Southwest University Chongqing China

Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


ufukhurriyet ufukhurriyetoglu
Data Scientist

Ankara / Turkey

Francesco Bruzzesi FBruzzesi
Data Scientist at HelloFresh. Mathematician at heart. Open source enthusiast.

@HelloFresh Berlin

Mohamed Salem msalem7777
PhD Statistics 2024 | Interested in Bayesian Optimization, Probabilistic ML, Causal Inference.
Nijat Ibrahimov ibrahimovnijat
Software Engineer

Munich, Germany

Shobhit Kumar kumarshobhit
CS graduate student at Uni Freiburg, Germany.

University of Freiburg Freiburg, Germany

Ilir Hajrullahu ilirhajrullahu
Software Engineer who likes building complex software. CS Master student at LMU Munich.


Elia Schiavon Eschivo

@deeptracetech Milan

Michel SEBAG Micseb


God of meme stocks manhhungdt06
Financial Data Analyst

Financial Data Analyst Hanoi

Jialong Wu Manchery
Ph.D. Student @thuml, School of Software, Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University Beijing

Sylvain Combettes sylvaincom
PhD • Senior ML Product Engineer @probabl-ai • Lecturer at Polytechnique & CentraleSupélec Exed

@probabl-ai Paris, France

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Daniel Paluba palubad
Earth Observation researcher at Charles University in Prague, Czechia

Charles University, Prague Prague, Czechia

Priestch Priestch
I'm a nobody, but still have my opinion.


vfive fivejjs
ML Engineer, DS and software engineer

Data scientist and engineer Sydney Australia

Jourmore jourmore
Ambition and Interest, Whatever Floats Your Boat!

SiChuan University China/Sichuan/ChengDu

daxiajames daxiajames
2/3 sunshine for YZ
Gang Tang obaica
Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology ([email protected]).

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

Zhanliang Liu liuzl
AGI; Large Language Model, Large Multimodal Model; Robotics; Web Crawling; Distributed System

<-Baidu/Tencent/MSRA Earth

Surya bulbgod
Lazy researcher, applied mathematician, origamist, Hapkido-ist. Asst Prof, Biomedical Informatics - @CincyInformatix @CincyChildrens

Cincinnati Children's USA

Andrin Rehmann andrinr
Interested in everything related to SciML, computer graphics and HPC.

@PasteurLabs Switzerland

Theo Bouwman theobouwman
Working on Momo ( Trying to bridge the gap between online and offline networking. CS BSc & AI MSc (current)

Momo The Netherlands, Amsterdam

LM emptymalei
I build ML models in Germany. Applied Scientist, PhD in Physics. Worked on neutrino physics, cosmology, spiking neuron models, interplanetary immigration (scif

@spikinglabs Germany

Christian Leibig chleibig
ML/AI - science & engineering

minimal-entropy Berlin / London

A metalearner