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Hamish Slaymish

Wellington, New Zealand

Rubens Franco francomile
Senior Systems Engineer | DevOps. Solutions Engineer at @varnish

@varnish Spain

One of many AttaInsularis
"E pluribus unum"


Fonos fonors
Computer enthusiast, with an interest in cybersecurity and cryptography. Also interested in biology and bioinformatics.


mm mmmark0
Full Stack Developer


Dragan Constantin Dragan-Constantin
Engineering student at @EFREI-PARIS (Class of 2027)

@EFREI-3D @InnovationLab-EFREIParis Paris, France

Lars Kvihaugen LarsSK06
18 year old Norwegian hobby developer, developer apprentice and former IT student, production manager and intern.

Arribatec Hamar, Norway

Mateus Rodrigues mateusrdgs
I turn heavy music and coffee in code

@remoteoss Earth

Widar Weizhi Wang WidarWW
researcher wave modelling

NTNU Trondheim, Norway

MediaBlaze Hosts mbh-dev

MediaBlaze Hosts United Kingdom

yiğit ibrahim ibrahimsql
just cyber security enginner
I Ain’t Got None of My Friends Left by jesse Welles <3 N0TLuck0xF
Distance Learning Open Education

Martial Combat Arts PMA (Private Membership Association)

Jason Tenpenny jasontenpenny
IT Pro, Tech Enthusiast, Lots of Coffee

@Microsoft Texas

Arvid Berndtsson arvid-berndtsson
Software Developer/Engineer - Likes to build browsers, scrape the web, and learn about cybersecurity, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Vertiseit Malmö, Sweden

Jonas W jwj

Mobile Industrial Robots Denmark

WFH is better for the enviroment.

Denver, Colorado

dictvm dictvm
Πήγαινε νοστρ ή πήγαινε σπίτι.

contensi GmbH

Finn Lestrange finnlestrange-uofg
Software Engineer @uog

@RFIoT Glasgow, UK

Jedidiah Jedidiah
Sofware Engineer @URSALUNA, Creative developer, designer and illustrator.

URSALUNA studio Glasgow, Scotland

Frank Michel frankmichel
Since more than 20 years I am crafting web applications from concept to delivery. I'm a skilled Laravel & Vue developer with a background in UX.

FM Digital Solutions & Consulting Haarlem, The Netherlands

Valentin Binotto valentinbinotto
KIGENA, Internet Society Community Member, network technician

Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster

Sergio Augusto Vladisauskis sergiovl

Oportunix IT Services Brasil - ME São Paulo - SP - Brasil

always learning and a proud supporter of the technological advancement of humanity

United States of America

Tony Jackson Tolonious

Connected Solutions Group