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Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

Krystian Zatka krystianzatka

London, United Kingdom

Lukas byPixelTV
Software Engineer from Germany


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Evgenii Miltcev Ange1ofHope
Hardware Engineer, Researcher, Team-lead

Decast Moscow

!!Bael baeltest
. main


Luca LeBlanc yodaluca23

Texas, United States

JustHuman228 JustHm228
Don't bother me, I'm drinking tea! ☕

Moscow, Russia

Roman Avdeev lll-Death-lll
Hi, I'm an aspiring Rust/Go programmer! Feel welcome to look through or contribute to my projects!

Samara, Russia

RobuxTRex RobuxTRex
Hello there, I'm RobuxTRex! I use JavaScript, Typescript, Java, and Lua/u. I am also a NextJS Fullstack Web Developer.

England, UK

Ella S pikachu0542
College Student, Programmer, Gamer
Tyler TILR16

United States

Esoteric Enderman esotericenderman
Ambitious programmer interested in math, game development, and modding.

@EsotericFoundation The End

iWeedy_ i-weedy

The Universe, Phoenix-A

ItzFlibat ItzFlibat
I make stuff

@FlibatsUniverse United States of America

Louis Bryan Prayogi SukaSingkong
A.K.A SukaSingkong

Jakarta, Indonesia

Aitor AitorAstorga
Graduate in Computer Science in Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Student of Master's Degree in Cybersecurity and Privacy at UOC.

Vitoria-Gasteiz / Bilbao

Matheus Sampaio Queiroga Sirherobrine23
Creating and maintenance new projects, actually in Apt stream, Bds Manager and coreUtils

São Paulo, Brazil

Sismei Sismei
Fake Developer

St. Petersburg

Vyacheslav Alekhanov bruhfessional
Flutter Developer.

FriFlex Samara, Russia.

Amirparsa Baghdadi amirparsadd
A Persian FullStack Developer 🚀🦁

Dieteno Arak - Persia

一名来自中国的高中生! 喜欢随便玩玩awa, 立志成为一名优秀的java编程员☕️!

自由职业 中国

Aidan Skerry AidanSkerry

Melbourne, Australia

RabbitTV RabbitTV22
Owner of Rabbit Network Learning Java and C++

Rabbit Network Canada

John Bell 0x06060606
22 Cyber Security Engineer Digital Forensics Investigator Incident Response Specialist Entrepreneur

Bell Cyber Security LLC SC

lyrin://2025 LyRin-owo
phase i \ malfermu la okulojn @DryIce-cc

Project Hazelita 「且视他人之疑目如盏盏鬼火」

purofle purofle
Hello, this is purofle!

@phigrim @fuckcomputer Herta Space Station, World

Nebojsa Majic Onako2
Likes reporting bugs to @mebis-lp

@RESQ-mainly-crepes Erlangen

Udoy UdoyBH


Luke Saccento CalcWIZ16
I host a Minecraft server for my friends, then again I'm on GitHub so what friends do I have. Discord: @calcwiz

The LukeSMP Network San Jose, California

Felix kelegele

Kelegele Shenzhen

Jonathan Boisclair boiscljo
Student for Ph.D. in Engineering at UQTR

UQTR Trois-Rivieres