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Emir Cem Gezer incebellipipo
I build robots. I program linux. I play instruments.

NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway

Htun Pyae Sone hpsone

Hamburg University of Technology Hamburg, Germany

Alireza Moradi moradialireza
M.Sc. in Water Resources Management and Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Sharif University of technology

Jewelwinger Tomkcat
I try to understand codes. Now mainly OpenFoam. C++ | Fortran | Python | Deutsch | :)
Kritika Khanwal kritikakhanwal
math and intuitions! \n when curiosity has no bounds......


Benjamin Carrion bicarrio
Senior costal modeller. Data scientist.


Thomas Bean kennette21
I am a full stack developer. I like to build things.

Prezi Budapest

Stamatis Petalas stamatispetalas
I can move oceans using a computer...

DUTH Xanthi, Greece

Manmathakrishnan P manmathan299
Phd scholar

iit madras chennnai

Andres Sepulveda AndresSepulveda

University of Concepcion

Gábor Fleit fleitgabor

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

MayCrew Sunbuyu

Nutshell University China

Vinod Thale vinodthale
Vinod 乐辉 PhD , XJTU, School of Aerospace, Xian, China.


Gang Wang gangw0632

Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim

Elyas Larkermani ElyasKermani

NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway

Ahmet Soydan soydanahmet

NTNU Trondheim, Norway

andrew hongduongdaika
Numerical model to research on Marine dynamics; RBF collocation method; Ocean modelling
Konstantinos Christakos KonstantinChri
Develop open-source Metocean tools

@metno @NTNU-IMT Norway