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Tobias SunkenHero

German, Waibstadt

Alexander Zimmermann alexzimmer96
Loves Kubernetes, Go, DevOps and IaC

@SchwarzIT Germany

Khánh Lý lybaokhanh
Not only working software, but also well-crafted software

mgm technology partners Danang, Vietnam

Sohanuzzaman Soad ssoad
Full-Stack Developer || Python & Django || Flutter || Kotlin || Android || Passionate to Create Something Innovative & Efficient

Advanced Software Development Dhaka,Bangladesh

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Michele Scala kele23
Full Stack developer         Working for: Lidl-IT

Lidl IT Verona - Italy

Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud-Italy
If having a coffee in the morning doesn't wake you up, try deleting a table in production database instead 😏

Software Engineer at Schwarz IT KG Berlin, Germany

Conrad RealConrad
Currently working at @SchwarzIT as a Junior Professional

@SchwarzIT Heilbronn, Germany

Jeffrey den Drijver JeffreyDD

Stud I/O | Anylinq The Hague / Amsterdam, The Netherlands

NicoOblaender NicoOblaender

Schwarz IT KG Neckarsulm

Hauben hauben
Dad, Software-Engineer, Photographer, Reef & Bee-Keeper, Writer Germany

Ilya Kovalkov ilyako87
Java Developer with over 7 years of experience. My tech stack is based on Spring Framework / Spring Boot / Spring Coud and relational DB as also noSQL storages.


Sergi Bono sbonoc
Chief Architect of Lidl e-commerce studying an EMBA in ESADE

Schwarz IT Badalona, Barcelona

Sergey Grebenshchikov sgreben
non-stop through desert, salisbury steak sweater

@Keilerkonzept München, Bayern, DE

Niko NikoHorn

@SchwarzIT Steinheim, Germany



JJ jlj77


Alex alexmarco

Bluetab Spain

Konstantinos Lamprakis KonstantinosLamprakis
I love solving problems. 🚀 I'm constantly on the quest to learn and grow, diving into various programming languages and frameworks to build exciting projects


Shug ShugKnight24


Corporate student

@SchwarzIT Stuttgart Area


Hochschule Aalen Aalen

Toni Meuschke meuschke
I am a Javascript enthusiast from Berlin. Focus on building high scalable performant loosely coupled front-end architecture for e-commerce.


Johannes Hepp JohannesHepp

@stackitcloud Heilbronn, Germany

Sezer Ünlü goekmavi

Heilbronn, Germany

Cronix psych0d0g
Cloud and Infrastructure engineer / Open Source enthusiast


Robert Goltz rgoltz
Cloud engineer @dbsystel 🚝

@dbsystel Erfurt, Germany