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Mitchell Cohen profmitchell
Professor of Sound Design @ Berklee College of Music

Berklee College of Music Boston

Qalqi qalqi
People believe in magic, I believe in open source

Qalqi Inc. Universe

Zhihao ZhihaoAIRobotic
Embodied AI | Robot Learning | Multimodal Pre-trained Model | Reinforcement Learning

Chinese University of Hong Kong HongKong

Akhil Kumar akhilpenugonda
Software Engineer, Happy to explain and learn tech


Bruce LANE brucelane
Creative coder : Cinder, openFrameworks, C++, C#, opengl, nodejs, react, webgl

sophiadigitalart Alpes maritimes, France

xiombatsg nakagawa-satoya

@Future-Techno-Developers Tokyo

Wendell yangfawen
Explore your world like never before

Kivisense Chengdu

linround linround
🐸 Using GO and JS


SHUKE polokobe

@Alibaba Hangzhou China

Rajat Rajput rajputrajat
Eternal learner. Lazy Rust programmer. Systems Engineer. A master procrastinator. Type-safe. Compiler believer. Loves following Astrophysics.

Aristocrat Noida

EstudiZeta Emili-HD

Estudi Zeta Barcelona

The Reverend mmiinnovations
Engineer, Full Stack Coder, Mad Scientist, Reverend

The Watcher Society The Ether