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sowmithri sriram sriramsowmithri9807
" Hi there, i am Sriram a GitHub enthusiast, passionate about Python, Machine Learning, Flutter, Dart, Kotlin, HTML, and CSS. Coding for innovation and impact."


Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Jérémie Marlhens jmarlhens
PhD students in synthetic biology at TU Darmstadt

TU Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany

Ahmed Nasser ahmed-n-abdeltwab
echo "Hello World!";


Love life, love coding. focusing , making difference.

@Microsoft @EpicGames

Rajarshi Ray RajarshiRay25
TAU || UEMK || 2020-2024 || Ex IIT-G Intern || B-Tech in Biotech || Bioinformatics & Computational Bio || ML Developer || Frontend Web Developer || GCP '22

University of Engineering and Management (UEM) Kolkata

Sky Guy 5ky9uy
(my open-source endeavors/contributions, school projects, and some forks for reference) --> (🦄) = [[∫(⚙️) ∫(🔐) ∫(🕸️) ∫(🧪) ∫(🎨) ∫(📝) ∫(📈)]*] / [⏳]
amateur_biologist DasProsad
PhD candidate in Genomics @igib

CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) New Delhi

Gonzalo Vidal Gonza10V
Synthetic Biologist, looking for programming biological systems and contribute to Mars planet engineering. AI and automation enthusiast. Open Sourcerer. Maker🐺

@MyersResearchGroup USA

Woomou Woomou
cured sometimes, relieved often, comforted always, that's what you get where you look back on.

Phoneix, Arizona

Shamrat Kumar Paul paulshamrat
Clemson University (MedBioPhys) - graduate student dealing with Python and molecular dynamics simulation to understand the physics of biological systems.

Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634, United States

GeorgeZou georgezouq
Founder of StaringOS and FlorativaBio, AIGC | Quant Finance | SynBio. What a wonderful world!

StaringOS Beijing China

Mohamed El Amraoui mohamedelamraoui1
Computer Science Student at FST Fes, Morocco

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Fés fes

Brian Kyalo kyalo3
Backend software Developer || Open-source contributor🤝 || UN SDGs advocate🌍


Thomas Tam skyrockets-21
ML Research Assistant and Graduate TA @ Carnegie Mellon University | Delivering Impactful Predictions, Analytics and Insights

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Georgie Hau Sorensen GeorgieHauSorensen
SBOL Editor 2023

University of Bristol

Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Alexander alexandergz1983
Fundamental and Systems Biology | Genetics and Evolution | Bioinformatics | AI Developer | Data Science

Medellín, Colombia

Rolando Perez Rcperez
I use biotic and abiotic computers to build things and solve puzzles.

RP Bioconsulting Santa Clara, CA

Omar Elsherif Omarelsherif010
I am interested in enhancing open-source projects. I also love building tech solutions for science problems or features based on machine/deep learning.


Jon Rodness jonrodness
Software engineer with a passion for building high value, user-centric products. I enjoy breaking down complex problems into manageable, bite-sized snacks.

Toronto, Ontario

anand jain anandijain
cs music p=np

San Jose CA, Boston MA

Ross Altman realtman
Data Scientist at Inari

Inari Agriculture Cambridge, MA

Lucas Levassor hiyama341
Passionate PhD student using Python to revolutionize synbio & automate workflows 🤖🧬. Up for colabs so please reach out. From CPH 🇩🇰
Björn Johansson BjornFJohansson
Assistant professor at UMINHO, Braga, Portugal. Our group @MetabolicEngineeringGroupCBMA work in the field of fungal biotechnology.

Universidade do Minho Braga, Portugal

Bremen McKinney bremferd
Just a nontraditional student trying to keep up.

Portland, Oregon