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Steve Adams sma61
24 years of full stack development.

State College, PA

Juan Diaz JuanPabloDiaz
Passionate front-end developer seeking professional growth opportunities.

North Carolina

Erissa Duvall CorgiDev
I'm an Accessibility Ally and Microsoft MVP alum trying to make the world more accessible to all a little bit at a time

GitHub Kentucky

Nisa Champagne nisaChampagne
DevOps Engineer

Software Web Developer Ohio

Izzy Schwartz izhe

Altera Mid Atlantic United States

Manmohan J Mundhra mmmsonu
Solution Architect * Experience : 17+ * Technologies : C#, WebAPI, sql server, Dotnet Core, Microservices, NoSQL * Domain : eCommerce, Financial, Health Insu

Wissen Inftotech Bangalore, India

Daryl easthollow

HyperMartian LLC Ringtown, PA, USA

Matt Eland IntegerMan
AI Specialist & Wizard at Leading EDJE, Microsoft MVP in AI & .NET, Author of "Refactoring with C#" and "Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks"

Leading EDJE Columbus, OH