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Data19C Data19C

Suzhou Taicang

Max Ku vinesmsuic
You're doing what you love. Isn't that that enough? Isn't that that enough?

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fancyraw fancyraw
Stay Hungry Stay Foolish China

Billy Yi billyblu2000
ML Engineer @Tencent Music, M.S. @ UIUC, B.S. @nyu

University of illinios Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL, US

Hung Nguyen spideynolove
Data Engineering Specialist

Keep calm and love data Hanoi

Lương Ngọc Minh Khuê lkhue65
Sinh viên ngành khoa học máy tính. Trường đại học Sài Gòn
Dipto Karmaker kdipto1
Full-Stack | MERN & PERN | Next.js | Building Scalable Solutions

Tangail, Dhaka

IsFishingSnow bxzymy
I'm a student in University of Science and Technology of China, major in Communication Engineering.

University of Science and Technology of China China

kris deltaPositive
💭📝 beginner
Hau Ng. thanhhaudev
Mainly backend, a little frontend with Google magic 🪄

Danang, Vietnam

John Flynn johnpeterflynn
Computer Vision, Graphics and Robotics

TU Munich Munich, Germany

Jackson-gjh Jackson-gjh
Programming learner
Monody Le monodyle
engineer at heart


AuroraAegis Devin100086
I am an undergraduate student in ZJUT with a keen interest in 3D.

Zhejiang University of Technology Zhejiang Province

Daniel de Victoriano y Bremont dbremont
Yo, ciudadano libre de la República de las Letras, ni esclavo de Aristóteles ni aliado de sus enemigos, escucharé siempre con preferencia ... P. Benito Feijóo

America, Dominican Republic

Matt Pitts AdonousTech
Dedicated to the application of disruptive modern technologies to the service industry. Founder of Adonous Tech. Co-Founder of Lend A Hand Accounting

Adonous Tech LLC

Cristian HJ Robi2025
Tec. mecánico equipo pesado Ceduc UCN || Estudiante Oracle ONE

fumiland chile chile

Michael Bely michaelbel
Android & Kotlin problem solver
