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Jackie Huang jackiehjm
Life lies in movement.

WindRiver Beijing, China

Hanyang Hu hanyanghu

Canmore, AB, Canada

Abhishek Jaiswal (AJ) jabhishek87
Backend Pythonista & DevOps. Intermediate Gopher, Life Long Learner

@Wind-River Bangalore, India

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ravi Gehlot ravigehlot
Senior Systems Administrator

New College of Florida Sarasota, FL

Stephen Olaiya stephyards
Experienced System Administrator specializing in operating systems, with a focus on kernel management and real-time systems like VXWorks and FreeRTOS.

Stephyards Lagos Nigeria

xb ssbandjl
keep learn


Prateek Jena prateikjena

Ciena Gurgaon, India

GeonhaPark Seunmul
Interests: Automotive platform SW, OS, Edge AI

Korea, Republic of

Harry Koutsourelakis harrkout
bit tinkerer

Embedded Engineer Heraklion, Crete

Alan Blythe alanblythe

@windriver Orlando, FL

Edward Paez PaezEdward
Embedded Systems Engineer | FPGA Integration | SoC | Zynq | Linux System Integration | Petalinux | Yocto

Universite Sorbonne Paris Nord FR

John Hiltenbrand n9jlo

Montgomery, IL, USA

Yunseong Kim yskelg

Ericsson Seoul, Korea

Ryan Jung nexspiravit
Still unsatisfied, still hungry, still foolish. Still far away from what I aim for. -Ryan Jung-