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Paul. trust-paulfr
Fondateur & Lead dev @trust-community

@trust-community France


Nancy - France

Morgan ForWarZz
Student at the University of Annecy in first year of Computer Science 💻
boul2gom boul2gom
🛠️ Soft Developer -> Rust, C++, Go, Java 🌐 Front Developer -> VueJS, Tauri 🧭 DevOps -> Docker, Kubernetes ✉️ Contact -> [email protected]

@Hyriode Paris, France

knightmar knightmar
No idea what I am doing here...
Protoxy Protoxy22
Minecraft Modding & Audio Enthusiast


Raphaël Asthowen
A 19 yo computer science degree student, I code and read in my spare time.


Cakihorse cakihorse
Hi I'm a french dev :) !

@EchocraftMc France

CreativeTab CreativeTab
A french junior developer

Europe, France

Nicolas AMATI ItsMeViipeR
Hey! I'm a french developer!


Flow Arg FlowArg
French Java developer

@FistinNetwork @archipel-project Europe, France