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Arthur Lian Mingyu-Lian

Perth - Australia

I do stuff sometimes, but only sometimes

Perth, Australia

Leon Lee leonleerl
C# coder

Perth, Australia

ronin itchat
Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
Maaz Ahmed mmaazahmed

Diya Interactive Melbourne,Australia

Zach Manson zachpmanson
Bug generator

@threadlet Melbourne

Jas JasAAA
An IT student looking for internship
η¬ εŽŸι’ SeiKasahara
current MIT(Master of IT) student at the University of Western Australia

I need an employer Western Australia

Austin mrtwiggy
Current computer science and finance student at UWA.

Perth, Western Australia

script chaser scriptchaser1337
beginner web developer

cfc Perth

Ventus BenMasel
We'll bridge that bridge when we bridge to it.
Davit Gogiberidze Davit-G
Web / audio / graphics / electronics

Melbourne, Australia

Chase eggplant0-0


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Andrew Weymes dimmerz92

Sittella Lab Perth, WA

Long Qin LongQin0121
I am a student of the University of Western Australia, majoring in Master of Information Technology. I used to be an Air traffic controller in Shanghai.

WA Australia

Ella Zhang Ellacancode
Current Master of IT student @ UWA


MoeBuTa MoeBuTa
Student, Weeb, Gamer

The University of Western Australia Perth

John Clema JohnClema
Student of Psychology @uwa | Intern @PawseySC | Software Engineer @IncrementalSystems

@IncrementalSystems Perth, Noongar Boodja, Australia