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itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Max Shostak JavaMaxim
Over 18 years I've been using Java Swing and JavaFX to professionally design and develop rich client and desktop applications.

Freelancer Croatia

Muhammad Hamrozi Y. mhy-net
Hi, I'm Hamrozi. Right now, I'm focusing on Mobile and Desktop application. I like Data Science too. My preffered language is Java.

Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia

René Lebherz bitfist

self employed Linz

Aladé Williame alade-01
I am a Developer and UI/UX Designer who is always trying to learn something new and interesting.

Quebec, Canada

Guru D prasaad guruprasaad123
"Fullstack + MachineLearning" , exploring the areas of "DeepLearning" #AI


Filipe dos Reis Santos filipedosreissantos
Apocalipse 21:4

Autônomo Itamaraju

Abid Maqbool ctoabidmaqbool
I am Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Maqbool Solutions (SMC- Pvt) Ltd. My favorite profession is technology & development.

Maqbool Solutions (SMC-Pvt) Ltd. Talagang, Chakwal, Pakistan

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Kranthi Kiran KRANTHI236
Hi there 👋 Java Full Stack Developer Enthusiastic to learn new Technologies #JavaFullStackDeveloper #CloudEngineer

Sathguru Software Products Private Limited Hyderabad

Xiong Chun xiongchun


唐友林 tangyoulintylgit

宁波普瑞柏生物技术股份有限公司 NingBo

hawskpy hawskpy
Android, iOS,PHP,Node.js

China Beijing

Malumbo Sinkamba Malumbo21
Java ☕|Spring Boot | Vue.js | Obsessed with building rocksolid backend systems that scale like a boss . Always on the lookout for new tech and awesome projects

Zambia , Lusaka

Joymutlu alexdoublesmile
Immortality is out there in these digits
Ahmed Bakr AhmedBakrXI
studying Computer and Systems engineering at faculty of engineering Ain-Shams university
QQ 9670453

JavaFX QQ群 518914410

Cormac Redmond credmond

Certak Wicklow, Ireland

fubixingwzy fubixingwzy
遥神似梦 惜却入梦非真 久战成空
Christian Pizarro Travi cpizarrotravi
Backend Developer

Lima, Perú