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Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Steve Walker stevencarlislewalker
I work on statistical software as a data scientist, product manager & researcher, in fields ranging from credit risk, insurance, fisheries & epidemiology

McMaster University Toronto, Canada

Denise (she/her) denisecammarota
PhD student in Physics. Mathematical models. Epidemiology. Data analysis. Repositories include: Python, R, C/C++, SQL.


Hugz hugzsoubrier
Mediterraneanist & Epidemiologist, graduate from Imperial College and LSHTM. Currently at @epicentre-msf.

Epicentre, MSF - Charité Paris/Berlin

Maarten Vanhaverbeke mvhbk
PhD Student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Previously Epidemiologist at WHO Europe

@cmmid @WorldHealthOrganization London, United Kingdom

Harrison Curtis HPCurtis
Data scientist. Open science/software enthusiast.


Douglas Ezra Morrison d-morrison

University of California, Davis

Peihong(Bernie) gpeihong
Researcher at NTU (Infectious disease modeling)

Nanyang Technological University

Stanley sayianka stanleyrazor
Quantitative analyst

Candlesticks-Investments Nakuru, Kenya

Bing Guo bguo068

University of Maryland School of Medicine MD, USA

John Humphreys JMHumphreys
Spatial ecologist, epidemiologist, and biogeographer.

Manhattan, KS

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Luiz Max Carvalho maxbiostat
Biologist by training, statistician by trade.

School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bragatte BragatteMAS
Research Scientist focus on Data Science, Bioinformatics, Immunology, Virology, Epidemiology PhD & MSc in Genetics&MolecularBiology BSc/Lic_Biological_Science

@InstitutoTodosPelaSaude @RedeAnalise-Covid-19 Brazil

Jonathon Mellor jonathonmellor
data scientist at UKHSA. Working on infectious disease forecasting, nowcasting and prevalence studies.


stesiam stesiam
Statistics and R = ❤️

Athens, Greece

Srikanth K S talegari
Explorations in causality, Interpretable Machine Learning, Statistics, geospatial analysis

Games24x7 Bengaluru

Christian Althaus calthaus
Computational epidemiologist

@ISPMBern Bern, Switzerland

Dimitrios Karamitros dkaramit


Marc Choisy choisy
Infectious Diseases Modeler

Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Ho Chi Minh city

upx3 (CFA) AFg6K7h4fhy2
Remember to drink some water.
Raphael Saldanha rfsaldanha
Geographer, Master's in Public Health, PhD in Health Information and Communication. Postdoc at @INRIA.

Inria Montpellier, FR

Rafa Lopes rafalopespx
Interested in the dynamics and its signatures on the time series variability on epidemics Working on DENV, CHIKV, ZIKV, and climate change

Yale University, Yale School Of Public Health USA

Yang yangclaraliu
Assistant Professor at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, working on infectious diseases, vaccines, and health economics

London, England

Nicolas MINIER NicolasMINIER
Biology PhD, MPH.

Santé Publique France Paris

Christopher Leslie-John Peters CLJP85
I have some experience in coding but mostly in installing Linux, BSD et. al. I like open-source, decentralization things. I have potential to program, someday

Christopher Leslie-John Peters Tamaqua, PA

Damon Bayer damonbayer
Statistician and infectious disease researcher

@cdcgov Saint Paul, MN

Yichi LI liyichiabc163
Hi my name is Yichi, a research postgraduate student from school of public health, faculty of medicine, the university of hong kong. I am studying coding.

@hku HK

Dhihram Tenrisau Dhihram
Epi and infectious disease related

LSHTM Indonesia

Julia Epi Julia-Epi
Computational epidemiology in @JuliaLang.


Samuel Brand SamuelBrand1
A contracted analyst for CFA/CDC. Formerly a PDRA at Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology and Infectious Disease Epidemiological Research (SBIDER).

Centre for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics (CDC/CFA) London, United Kingdom

Claudio Moroni ClaudMor
B. Sc. in physics. M.Sc. in Physics of Complex Systems at Turin University. @InPhyT, @UniTo-SEPI, @JuliaEpi, @JuliaHealth and @JuliaGraphs.

University of Turin/CENTAI Institute S.p.A.

Nikolaos Papachristou nikolaospapachristou
Quality, Data Scientist, Senior Manager