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Yongxin Ma lian-yue0515

Shandong University China

Ali SROUR alisrour97
PhD in autonomous systems

Seaowl Toulon, France

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

Fatih Özcan faozdev
Engineer, developer. Loves science, cycling, programming. Basketball enthusiast.


Shengyi Liang Henry-lsy
Pursuing a Ph.D. at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)


Balázs Tuba BalazsPh21

BME Formula Racing Team Budapest

Tianyong Ye Es1erda
Bachelor's Degree and Master's candidate in Shenzhen University.

SZU China

eldaniz eld4niz
teaching humans is hard, so I teach robots
Paxon Lam peitsan
Be diligent, disciplined and devoted. Research on vSLAM, E2E and Mulit-modal Fusion.

South China University of Technology Guangzhou, Canton.

JunseoMin JunseoMin
Robotics & SLAM engineer

MPIL at GIST GIST in Gwangju, Korea

zzh_er zzh-er
SLAM and Navigation-related worker, always learning!
Vansh Yadav norsechurros
Avid coder and Open-Source Robotics Enthusiast. Looking to collaborate on applied AI projects


Gilbert Tanner TannerGilbert
Student Robotics and Artificial Intelligence |


Selim Gilon Seeeeeyo
PhD Student applying AI into biomechanics to improve people's health.

MILA Montreal, Canada

Martin Zahariev kubaniak
Mechanical Engineering Student at ETH Zurich.

ETH Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

Jonghyun Woo Woodaengtang

Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Lab Seoul, Chung-Ang Univ.

Mehmet Can mehmetcy
embedded & automotive

AVL List GmbH Turkey