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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Yuanjun Yao yaoyj11

Duke University Durham, NC

Yoon Park cre8ivepark
Designer & Creative Technologist. UX Designer @microsoft #HoloLens #HoloLens2 #MRTK Creator of Opinions are my own.

Microsoft Redmond, WA

Mike Baker mbaker3
Family Computer

@decline-cookies, @petloop Ottawa, Canada

Matina Phimla mphimla2

I-Ta Lee doug919
Research Scientist at Meta. Working on User Representation Learning for Ads Personalization. A PhD graduate from Purdue. Natural Language Processing.

Meta Platform Inc. California, USA

Brandon Chuang brandonchuang

Edgecore Networks Corporation

Hovhannes Tamoyan tamohannes
Doctoral Researcher at TU Darmstadt

@UKPLab Darmstadt, Germany

Aram H. Markosyan armarkos

FAIR, Meta AI Menlo Park, CA

Brian Beckman rebcabin
Astrophysicist, Engineer, Mathematician