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Michael Whitford michaelwhitford

Republic Services, Inc Phoenix, AZ

Dan papachan
chan thy-chan
Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier!
i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Ryan Khetlyr randallard
Aspiring programmer
George Lipov gnl
FP, Clojure, Interaction Design, InfoSec
Zi JunJie zjjfly

Siemens (China) Suzhou,China

Michael Dan Mossinsohn Consistent1

@RevAmp-Technologies Tel-Aviv, Israel

Max Savchenko macovsky
Я закончил ВХУТЕМАС
王恒 eastack
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Cloud Top Earth

eric caspary err

boredom_entertainment Atlanta, GA

Miguel SM miguelsm

@PHINXT-Robotics London, UK

Kihaya Sugiura kihaya
Reading Wookieepedia during working time frequently.

Tokyo, Japan

Eduardo Borges EduardoMRB

Cuiabá, Mato Grosso

Xceno Xceno
VR Adventurer and recovering fullstack dev. Slinging @clojure parens and wrangling Unreal Engine. Linux enthusiast. Currently learning @ziglang.
