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AzinKatiraee AKAT119
Hello 😊, I am Azin. I'm an ML/Data Engineer, Currently, I'm working on data management for the GEN AI app project. Working on development of POC.

eKosmos Inc. Canada, Toronto

gitgirl0100 gitgirl0100
BA of CS student . Passionate for all things AI, web3, open-source, data analysis, blockchain, smart contracts, Linux-ubuntu, full-stack.


itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Charles-A. Francisco charlesfranciscodev
Software Engineering | ML Infrastructure

@Capgemini Canada 🇨🇦

MsGem0523 tanewton0523
Software Engineer skilled in MERN Stack, Agile, and problem-solving. Passionate about pediatric healthcare tech and creating impactful solutions. Let’s connect!

Cobb County, GA, USA

Kailey Kaes kaileykaes
People-focused developer seeing the good and seeking the good for others.

Denver, Colorado

Varsha Singh girlwhodrawsandstuff

Razorpay Bengaluru, Karnataka

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Abraham John Jabrahamjohn
Full-Stack Software Developer | Virtual Assistant | Security Analyst Passionate and results-oriented software developer with a strong foundation in Python

SGS Mombasa

Gabriela Gomes GabrielaGommes
Tech Recruiter at @google by @randstad

@Google by Randstad Sourceright São Paulo, Brasil

Mahlet Mulu Ambaw Mahiambaw
Front-end developer student @ Hyper Island

Frontend developer student @ Hyper Island Stockholm, Sweden

@yry-dev yry-dev

low earth orbit

Durell durellwilson
iOS and Full-Stack Web Developer | DKR Innovations with @KrissieKatt and @RonMar615

Detroit, MI

Cherrelle Scott cyscott03
Support Engineer at SignalWire

SignalWire Clayton, NC

Jennifer Casias casiasjc
Data Scientist with a focus in Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning and Data Visualization with experience working in high-pressure, high-volume environments.

New York, New York

Hannah hseligson1
Developer Advocate

Cleveland, Ohio

Natia Lollie natiaLollie
An Engineer with a primary focus on integrating computer vision into web and robotics.


Full stack developer and software quality engineer with a passion for learning and building user-friendly applications.


Meredith Frazier Britt mfrazb
Software Engineer | Urban Planner
Ivy DeWitt ivyldewitt
Probably reading, mediating, sketching or watching dog grooming videos on YouTube.

CoreWeave Philadelphia, PA

Sarah Jenkins sarahmjenkins
Full Stack Developer


Sydneigh Vitlen Sydneigh
Front End Developer | UX/UI Designer
Katharina Tielking, MD KatTiel
Data Science&Machine Learning Engineer | Medicine | Neuroscience | MDPhD Candidate, Institute of Experimental Neurosurgery at Charité University Medicine


Taghreed Mohammed Kamel TAGHREEDAA

Salla E-Commerce Egypt-Minia

Rachel rachelfearon
Discord: Lunchbox#2045

Salem, MA

Morgan J. MorganEJLA
web dev

Brooklyn, NY

Yönet Yonet
@w3c immersive-web

@Azure San Francisco