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Leandro Nishijima leandronishijima
Software Engineer

Maringá, Paraná - Brazil

Pedro Luz Narven
Software Engineer 🇵🇹 🇬🇧

Nvidia Corporation London, UK

Pia PiaCOS


Camden McGath camdenmcgath
Mathematics and C.S: Data Science student at Northwest Nazarene University
Kevin Stephen kands-code
I am nobody but love kiyohi.



Euro-Information Strasbourg

Nissi Nassime RtillaWork
Software Developer | Full-Stack | Life Time Apprentice | New Grad | Do Androids Dream of /proc/self?

Loading... Internet, Everywhere, The Osmos

Maurice Elliott MauriceElliott
DevOps Engineer / Small Game Developer

Telus Agriculture & Consumer Goods Bristol, UK

wk0 wk0

Brooklyn, NY

Dhony Silva dhonysilva
Elixir developer | remote worker.

Data Analyst | Elixir • Phoenix Parauapebas, Pará - Brasil

I'm a full-stack developer with expertise in creating immersive multiplayer experiences for games like Minecraft and Wizard101.
Ji Sungbin (Forky) jisungbin
Developer Experience Engineer

@healingpaper (강남언니) South Korea, Seoul

WonderWeasel WonderWeasel01
Origin of the nickname weasel came from my last name Wentzel that kinda sound like Weasel.

Wentzel event Næstved

Altaks Altaks
I'm currently 20yo, self learner

IUT La Rochelle France

David R. lhamadopagode
Trying to create a world without borders.


FigT FigT
Java Developer


Accordion to my calculations.... 🎵 🪗 🎶🎷🎹🎺🎻


Matthew Sparks matthewbsparks
Behavioral Neuroscience grad working in IT and dreaming in developer. Only occasionally crying alone at a redlight in Austin in my car.


June B juneb125
Rust & open source enthusiast, sucker for pretty software & great documentation 💖
Sérgio Miguel thesergiomiguel
Frontend dev.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

charlotte chaarlottte
Software engineer that enjoys cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence


Dejan Ranisavljević dejanr
Tech enthusiast who breathes code and loves creating beautiful web applications.

@futurice Germany

Ryan Moore mooreryan
Bioinformatics data science PhD, viral ecologist, & basketball nerd

University of Delaware Newark, DE

Tim Schneider Tasselhat
Web developer, next, react, node, python, javascript

San Diego

lily lilysoftpaws
writer of code; lover of typescript  loves women and cuddles
Kainoa Kanter ThatOneCalculator
21 year old fullstack developer

@InertiaSocial Los Angeles

Jules NotNite
jack of all trades, master of none. programmer, game modder, reverse engineer, shitposter. FOSS fanatic. let's build cuteware!

washington d.c.

Lucas Francisco da Matta Vegi lucasvegi
Ph.D. in Computer Science (UFMG). Assistant Professor (UFV).

DPI/UFV Viçosa, MG, Brazil

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Dave Nathanael davenathanael
Full-stack software engineer with interest on various topics: web services, programming languages, databases, distributed systems, and FP.


Torben Schinke torbenschinke

worldiety GmbH Germany

Jela Miraj JelaMiraj
Content Creator, Unity3D & programming language design enthusiast. Is Fan of SmallTalk, Lisp, Erlang, & Haskell. Also likes Python, JavaScript, Elixir, & Ruby.

West Coast, USA