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xuwen xiaoChen666


Daniel Patrick Klenda DanielKlenda-tech
from Saline County Salina, Kansas 67401 USA Born May, 17 1985

Salina, Kansas

Rainn StelleRainn
break free

广东外语外贸大学 广东广州

Brian Barnes BarnesM1

@m1finance Chicago, IL

Arun C Kallappanavar imarunck
Creative. Graphics & Animation Student, Language and Culture enthusiast. Passionate about Bringing Ideas to Life | Projects in Design & Technology 💡🎨


Gabriel Torres Mendes OGabrielMendes
Data Science Student - Mackenzie (Brazil) DUX COPANY LTDA. - Planning Assistant


Subramanyam Sahoo SubramanyamSahoo
An Effective Altruist

NIT Hamirpur, Himanchal Pradesh

Pedro Freires PedroH183
This i Love 🥀

IFCE Brasil

Roberto Romano lostGino04
#electronicsengineering #polito


Victor Ogunjobi Vicopem01

Toronto, Canada

Paloma Wink PalomaWink
Olá Mundo! Sou apaixonada por tecnologia e todas as suas possibilidades, sou movida por novidades e novos aprendizados.

Santa Cruz do Sul - RS, Brazil

Paul Pham 157 paulpham157
As know as Phạm Đình Hùng

Hanoi, Viet Nam 🇻🇳

Mapas47R mapas48
Hi! My name is Jonathan Sanchez Guerrero I like new challenges and I love programming. I'm just starting out but I want to be great and contribute a lot to pro
Kapil Meena MeeKapil
AI Enthusiast 🤖 | Data Scientist 📊 > Python 🐍, Rust 🦀, SQL 💾, AI, ML 🧠
Abhishek Verma Abhii0007
I am an CS Engineer, and self-learner, passionate about implementing ideas to solve complex problems. Skilled in python/ML-DL/Desktop App dev & Django Webdev.

NA India

Nikita Ugnich lapismyt
Backend Python developer. AI enthusiast, former lead developer of PieMC, Telegram-based developer, TON-based developer.


Alex Chapman alex-chap
A blind tech enthusiast who likes to learn new things, am trying to get into development and learn from people such as @samtupy with NVGT and STAR.

Hull, United Kingdom

Fullstack Developer | Debugging is like detective work, except I'm both the culprit and the detective | More commits than gym visits.

TamilNadu, India

Yoga Is Fun fangyujia007
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

alibaba-inc Hangzhou

Gedela Sivakrishna GedelaSivakrishna
Student at Centurion university of technology and managment

Vistala,Gajapati, Odisha

Akash AkashAmirisetty
Tech Enthusiast || AI & IoT Explorer || Passionate about Web Development and VFX Design.

Bengaluru, India

Joyal J Joy JoyalJJoy
| Let’s connect and build something amazing!


Oktay Bahceci professoroakz
Engineer, Entrepeneur, Creator & Fellow. Read my latest article: Enterprise Company GitHub:

xaoex Stockholm, Sweden

Arttu Ylhävuori areee

@EditaPublishing 🇫🇮 Suomi, Finland

Ahmad Reza Adrian rezadrian01
Finding inspiration in the little things and learning along the way

Malang State University Malang, Indonesia