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Tony Olsson Bobotech79

IT Consultant Örebro, Sweden

Sanju Shaw DeadpoolX7
🚀 Problem solver ☕ | Open-source 🌐 | Exploring the infinite possibilities of code 💻 | Connect with me and let's build the future together.
Dan Edwards danedwardsdeveloper
Full-stack web developer

Salisbury, happy to relocate

Baiju Dodhia baijudodhia
Senior Software Engineer Mumbai, India

Frank frankpengau

Sydney, Australia

Patrick R patrixr
Coding for good

@industrieco Hong Kong

Ammar Siddiqi AmmarSiddiqi
Developer who loves to code and solve real world problems. Passionate for learning and sharing knowledge. 👨‍💻

Lahore, Pakistan

Jun Ng. pwn-0x309
Shut up & Work hard

@ocean-network-express Vietnam

Mushood Mohammed Hanif DivineDemon
Full Stack | TypeScript

Lahore, Pakistan

qunm qunm00


Elefter Arnaudov elefteron
prepress, fonts, front-end dev.: html, css, js.
Ian Sebugenyi custordev
Full stack Developer Html Css Sass Bootsrap Tailwind Javascript Typescript React Next.js Node.js Expo Router MongoDb Prisma ORM

@DesisHub Ug -Kampala

Sohail Ansari sohail-ansari02
I am a frontend web developer. passionate about learning and working in web technologies.

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Usman Haider usmanhaider140
Working as a Full Stack Developer in Next.Js, GraphQL, Docker, NodeJs, TypeScript, MongoDB, Express, and much many more.


Pooriya p-pey
Over 6 years of Frontend Developer and Develop Web Apps Using React Js 🥇 New Journey ➡️ Learning Angular


Adhikansh Mittal HrithikMittal
Software Engineer

@strongloop India

Sai Prathik R prathik2401
Web Dev | Hybrid App Dev | AI


Luigi Cruz luigircruz
I'm a Software Engineer based in The Philippines. I build stuff in the web.

@metromart Philippines

Rangana rangana
Developer | <3 FOSS


Kunal Mishra kunalm2345
engg at buttondown, electronics at BITS Goa, built, previously at BioCompute

Goa, India

Kyungsub Kim Eric-lab-star
Javascript, ReactJs, Ts, Go, NextJs, Rust

Chungju-si, South Korea.

flow hyp3rflow
loves crafting on the shoulder of giants

@teamprex Seoul, Korea

José Silva joseporto

@nubisco Barcelos, Portugal

T4J T2J5
Shining in the world I love


Shyam Sreenivasan vegeta03
Software Developer interested in Linguistics and Algorithms.

Guidehouse Trivandrum, India

Junior D. Oliveira JuniorDiasOliveira
React/React Native developer
Mehedi Hasan Siam ProgrammerSiam
Front-End Developer | JavaScript Enthusiast | UI/UX Designer.
