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EDM115 EDM115
Random french dev, student, music producer, gamer, happy husband, programming enthusiast who likes to try and play with anything 🥰

IUT Vannes Vannes, France

:octocat: ʕ̡̢̡ʘ̅͟͜͡ʘ̲̅ʔ̢̡̢ ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ-̫͡-ʔ

M78 Nebula Mars

H4CK3RM4N h4cky-sys
F*cking Code... Cuba

Anand P S anandpskerala
Passionate web developer

@Keralapyapi, @KeralaBots Kerala, India

Alisson L. alissonlauffer
Mainly Python and web dev, always trying to learn new things.

@AmanoTeam Três Coroas, RS

Hitalo M. HitaloM
A Cruel Angel's Thesis

@AndroidRepo-OSS Brazil