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Pierre-Yves BRULIN PYBrulin
PhD in Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Embedded Systems Engineer

Hexadrone France

Lucas silvaluccs
Estudante de Engenharia de Computação na UEFS.
Andriel Ferreira AndrielFR
someone who loves programming and does it as a hobby.

Sergipe, Brazil

houari mokrani waren10X
Interested in defense-oriented cybersecurity and more specifically in the role of SOC analyst.

Lyon, France

SlicedLabs L4BM4ST3R
🔪 Hi, I’m Michael Cooper Full-Stack Developer | Code Surgeon | Brand Architect
MrJohnsson MrJohnsson77

@Talentech-Consulting @Ventunix-Consulting Marbella, Spain

Francois B. (Makoto) shakasan
FOSS & GNU/Linux enthusiast, love to code and new technologies, as well as Japan, Anime, Music, Photography, Gaming, ...

Makoto no Blog Belgium

CodingBot ameaninglessname
moo~🐮 neigh!🐴

Pasture Left-Up-Corner

SqL SqLait

Independent Virtual Machine

Xor-ED crypt0-wizard
🔍 Developer & Tech Enthusiast | Passionate about cybersecurity, open-source | Currently working on Cryptography101 | Always up for new challenges!

Cryptography101 Earth

Sefu Bey artrixdotdev
A JS/TS/Python dev with big dreams and ideas
William Martins Has333
Backend software engineer. Cybersecurity enthusiast.

Amaro Contact Center BR - SP

Noam V pvergain


Riccardo Monilia Hidan0
22 y/o CS student @ Università degli Studi di Milano

Milano, Italy

Ryan T. Wilson TrashPandacoot
Software Developer with a background in biochemistry and sports science

Portland, OR

Lorena foureyesdev
A self-taught software developer.


Learning to code, properly.
I make things sometimes.

Aperture Science Research Facility

Hiiru Vitngu
I am a normal lazy eccentric student

SOS Brigade Vietnam