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Sumit Dhakal dhakalsumit

Pi innovations Morang, Nepal

Nischal Shrestha inischal
Frontend Web Designer/Developer
Ravi Shrestha Ivar246
$ git commit -m "Hi There".

...... Lazimpat, Kathmandu

Nischal Adhikari Nischal-Ad
Creating an immersive website & apps experiences with MERN stack, WP and React Native constantly exploring new tools and strategies to enhance my creation.

Jhapa, Nepal

Niraj Kafle kafle1

@appwrite @internsathi @lancemeup Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Kunal Sah kunal-sah
Kunal Sah is Co-founder & CEO of InternSathi Product of Sathi Edtech - A students most loved and preferred platform for getting internship.

InternSathi Biratnagar

Shrijal Shrestha shrijalshr
I am a software developer. Being more specific, I am more into mobile application development using Dart and Flutter

Technofex Nepal Biratnagar, Morang, Nepal

Nirdesh pokharel codernirdesh
Full stack Web and Flutter Developer

Evolve Pvt. Ltd Kathmandu, Nepal