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Václav Nosek cjayyy

Keboola Czech Republic

Filip Ornstein ornsteinfilip
Founder of @sinfin & co-founder fo @squared-one Prague

C.Wail kawael
Developping since 2012.

Blida, Algéria

Martin Šifra martinsifra

@keboola Czech Republic

Mark J Rawlins 5F8575tree
English fullstack developer based in Japan.

Kamakura, Japan

Hajer M HajerMahjoub
senior data engineer based in Berlin Germany

Tesla Germany ,Berlin

Nate Weaver Nweaver412
CU Boulder | Keboola


Roman Pištěk romantmb

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Learning IT news,...keep me alive...
Dalibor Cicman DaliborCicman
eCommerce Entrepreneur, CEO&Founder at @gymbeam

@GymBeam Kosice, Slovakia

Václav Eder eddycek
Sur­prise: cyber­punk is ba­si­cally already here and you pro­ba­bly didn't re­a­lize it be­cause you're on the side of the cor­po­ration

@keboola Czech Republic

Fred Lundin fwlundin
Forward thinking CPA accounting and technology consulting firm. Focused on helping businesses with their technology needs.

Fred Lundin CPA Chicago, IL

Danilo Soto danilosoto

Erea Decisions Lab Guatemala City, Guatemala

Vladimír Kriška ujovlado
Engineering at @keboola - Data Platform as a Service

@keboola @webelement @rekurzia Brno, Czech Republic