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Xuhao Qin helloXqin

ShanghaiTech Universtiy

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Zhengxiao Han 0nhc

Northwestern University; @hyperplane-lab; @AIR-DISCOVER Evanston, Illinois

Lieλ matheecs
Robotics Engineer

CQU ➡️ UWM ➡️ XJTU ➡️ DR ➡️ UR

Aditya Kamireddypalli kamiradi
PhD candidate and Robotics Research at @ipab-rad, University of Edinburgh

@ipab-rad, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK

ZHANG Yan ollieyzhang
Ph.D. EDEE@EPFL. Research Assistant @idiap. M.Sc. ME@ XJTU & M.Eng, Engineering@ECLille Intern@Robotics X Lab

Idiap Research Institute Martigny

Guiliang Zheng GuiliangZ
Self-driven mechanical engineer with professional experience passionate about safe controls and data science
Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen