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Ankita Soni aankitasoni
A Final year student exploring Application Development and accelerate DSA mastery through consistent practice and conceptual comprehension.

Vellore Institute of Technology - VIT Bhopal

David Sedlar SedlarDavid
CTO at Openvibe, Mobile specialist with heavy Flutter experience. Bachelor degree from Software Engineering at TBU Zlin. Open to any interesting ideas Zlin

Tomáš Baránek tombarys

Jan Melvil Publishing Brno

Moeed Irfan hmoeedirfan
Software Engineer


Shahid Bangash Shahidbangash
Full-Time Senior Flutter and Web Developer


Lucas Dantas da Cruz ldantascruz
Mobile Developer | Flutter | Dart | Android | iOS

Vargem Alta, Espirito Santo - Brasil

loqman loqmanali
Highly skilled Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience in mobile and web application development. Expertise in Flutter, RESTful services integration,
Abdulrasheed Fawole Abdulrasheed1729
rtfm || rm -rf/*

Owerri, Nigeria

Honza Bittner tenhobi
Flutter Developer at @netglade 🚀 | @cvut alumnus 🎓

@netglade Prague, Czechia