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Mukta Deshpande muktadeshpande2
Software Engineer

National Institute of Technology , Agartala India

EasyBreezy A/C EasyBreezyAC
Paperless and Cloud-based HVAC company. We specialize in eco-friendly, high efficiency AC Repair and Installation. More trees and less pollution since 2009.

EasyBreezy A/C New Port Richey, FL

Nghia (Nolan) Trinh Nghia-Trinh
I make stuff that I hope you will never need to use, but if you do happen to run into a situation, I will be here to help.
Siddharth Harsh Raj siddharthharshraj
Software Developer | Open Source Contributor | Focused on building robust, scalable solutions | Constantly learning and growing, one step at a time 🚀


zoey zoedsoupe
Software bricklayer and Computer Science student and of course, a great cook

@cloudwalk Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil

Ezzin Houssam HoussamEzzin
I genuinely use my keyboard to solve problems and transform needs into functionalities.

Casablanca, Morocco

Rephael Berkooz rephaelberkooz
Software Engineer @podium

Podium @podium Boston, MA

Bhavishya Mohan Aggarwal BHAVISHYA2005
20 years since arrival on earth \\\\ QUOTE := "Impatience with Actions, Patience with Results"


Lucas Lopes LcsK
Hello! I'm a software craftsman
Murilo Michelon mmmichelon
Full Stack Devleoper


Maksim Pechnikov parallel588


Joey Engel JosephEngel
Site Reliability Engineer

@podium Somewhere in Ohio

Joshua Brown JBSK8NC
Web Dev. Django. Angular. Neovim.


Victor Rodrigues victorrodrigues
staff software engineer @ifood

@ifood São Paulo - Brazil

André Henrique andreoliva
I have approximate knowledge of many things.

São Paulo, Brazil

Ramon Ramos ramonlimaramos
Full Stack Developer

@podium Brazil ⇄ USA

Josiah Dahl pdm-jd
Senior Software Engineer @ Podium


Matheus Raposo mtsraposo
Software Engineer

Podium São Paulo, Brazil

Guilherme Camargo guisfits

Remote Sorocaba, Brazil

Phuong Tran Amberchen8892
Freelance web developer. Javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, MERN

Draper, Utah

Abbas Tolgay Yılmaz streamerd
🌍 Peacemaker

@stateful-art Antalya