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Matheus Moroti mmoroti
📈 Post doc at UNICAMP 👨‍🎓 PhD. Ecology and Conservation 🗺️ Data science, community ecology and macroecology
Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Andrew Copenhaver agcopenhaver
Forest Carbon Data Innovation Manager at Verra. Background in geospatial, remote sensing, machine learning, and digital image processing.

Verra Washington, DC



Shon Feder shonfeder
Allophilia x Synechism x Rhythmicism


Dominic Orchard dorchard
Co-director of Institute of Computing for Climate Science, University of Cambridge and Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing, University of Kent

Canterbury, UK

Derek Sorensen dhsorens

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Ryan Gibb RyanGibb

University of Cambridge Earth

Narendra Joshi narendraj9

@grammarly Berlin, Germany

Dennis Dang dangdennis
Computers both exceed expectations and suck.

Manhattan, New York

Emile Rolley ⏚ EmileRolley
J'essaie de faire du mieux que je peux :)

@publicodes @betagouv Toulouse

Anil Madhavapeddy avsm
Professor of Planetary Computing, University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Patrick Ferris patricoferris

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK