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Spatika Ganesh Spatika-Ganesh
Machine Learning and Full-stack Engineer.

San Francisco, California

Karl Karlheinzniebuhr
Github is a fun place


Dr. Amit Puri amitpuri
Interested in #AI #Cloud, #Web, #Mobility, #Data, #ML, #IoT, #Microsoft365, #Azure, #Python, #R, #PowerPlatform And my son on GitHub @ishanpuri


Lev Neiman lan17
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

San Francisco, CA

Ned Letcher ned2
Tags: data science, NLP, Python, web dev, cloud tech, coffee, juggling, running.

Thoughtworks Melbourne, Australia

Ruchida Fai
Software Engineer with curious mind and interested in innovation.


Balaji K balajiCubie
🚀 Founder & CEO of Cubie Group | Full-Stack Dev(MERN, Django, Python) | Passionate about Quantum Physics ⚛️ | Innovating at the intersection of code & science.
Jonah Eisen jbeisen

Galileo San Francisco, CA

Everton Marcelino Jr. EvertonMJunior
passionate about technology.

Stift | Drops Florianópolis, Brazil

Conor Bronsdon conorbronsdon
Content & Evangelism @rungalileo

@rungalileo Seattle

Aastha Varma aasthavar
Works @aws

Amazon Web Services Odisha, India

Nikhit Chokhandre nikhitchokhandre

All Indian IT Services Nagpur

@akfincode akfincode
Gen AI, AI Security, Data, Cloud & Computer Vision Consultant

Chicago, IL

Nelson Auner nelsonauner
Data Science & Engineering for a better tomorrow Formerly ML @Affirm

@Slope-Tech San Francisco

Tolga Cangöz tolgacangoz boldly go where no one has gone before...
Masoud ~ 007dude
Driven by curiosity… Eternally curious, Effortlessly trying, Endlessly learning. Let’s connect and create something amazing.

@VectorDBCloud @ReguNav @LLMCompass @Monetizing-Cloud @LLMHubCo @SanctionMonitor

Lambrou lambrou
Maker, Programmer, Creative Thinker
Charlene Leong charleneleong-ai
Greetings human! I'm an AI/machine learning engineer/data scientist who likes to tinker, design and build interesting things.


Yoav Zimmerman yoavz

San Francisco, CA

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Neuron Solutions neuronsolutionskft
AI development

Neuron Solutions Kft Hungary

Vassilis Tsoubris vtsou359
AI, Data Science and Data Strategy


Massimo Bensi mbensi

noisefree Amsterdam

Ozancan Özdemir ozancanozdemir
A PhD Candidate at the University of Groningen | A statistician who is interested in time series and machine learning.

University of Groningen Groningen

ishan dutta ishandutta2007
is an AI obsessed Entrepreneur, #ex-FAANG, #GenerativeAI, #RPA.


Sam samgdf
My codes of conduct.