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William Belle wbelle11
Product Developer & App Developer

Colure Media New York

idilputra idilputra19
instagram @_idilputra19 , @anakitdong

@schola-id kota solok, padang, Indonesia

Ariane aridupaix
Always learning something new
Sean Agustine Esparagoza agustinelumandong
A college student with passion for absolutely nothing.
sahin mersin electrocoder
python, django, assembly, c, c++, pic, 8051, arduino, raspberry pi, c#, ubuntu, git, iot, mqtt, android, orange pi, esp,

meşe bilişim @mesebilisim Ankara

Serhii Shyran sshyran
Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor Ukraine

Casey Spaulding caseyspaulding
Software Engineer | C# | TypeScript | Full-Stack | Lifelong Learner

BlueJackett Systems Orlando, FL

Juan Vladimir juanvladimir13
Software Engineer ▪︎ Developer Full-Stack ▪︎ I Teach Programming ▪︎ Linux User ▪︎ Geek & Hacker ▪︎ Associate Professor at UAGRM

juanvladimir13 Santa Cruz

7Cedars 7Cedars
Solidity, smart contracts & next apps. Political Sociologist, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

London, UK

Yosef Esses C YOESCO

YOESCO (Joesbull) Mexico

Corsair-disk Indiana

Mikaly ylakim

Paris, France

Paul Ismael Flan DrvxTheCoder
Student at Groupe IAM Senegal - Masters in Software Engineering

Unrail Senegal

Christian Mwendoi ThaboMwendoi
figuring life out i guess...

Lusaka, Zambia.

Michele Carfora michele74c
Developer since C64. Currently in search for abstractions.

[email protected] Italy

Jonatan Budalen budalen

@strise @NomadLabs-xyz

Ken Li kenli854

Ken Li Hong Kong

Raed Salah Eldakrouri raedsalah

@AlephMyEngineering Somewhere tropical

@known-code known-code
front end developer who loves to play and design with code.