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Monesh Venkul Vommi moneshvenkul
🚀 Senior Full Stack Developer | Vue.js 🎨 React ⚛️ Angular 🅰️ Node.js 🌐 Python 🐍 Django | Java Spring Boot ☕ TypeScript 📜 SQL & NoSQL 💾 | Microservices

Capital One New Haven, Connecticut

UNU unu0
Maker, hard-core coder, blockchain explorer, almost serial entrepreneur and former science teacher. JS/TS , ROR. C/C++/Java Lover. Rust Fan.

[email protected]

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Andrew Carter ascarter
Principal Software Engineer @microsoft @Azure

@Azure Snoqualmie, WA


Seattle, Washington

Natan Nobre Chaves natannobre
Bachelor in Computer Engineering at Universidade Federal do Ceará

CoffeeBean Technology @coffeebeantech Ceará, Brazil

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Sharvy Ahmed sharvy
Software Engineer (Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React) with 10 years of experience. Part-time OSS contributor.
Rocela Durazo roseliux
Software Engineer most often using Ruby to build applications.

in front of my laptop

Todd A. Jacobs todd-a-jacobs
DevOps evangelist. Writer, speaker, Rubyist, Linux maven, security wonk, and business technology champion. Superhero cape not included.

CodeGnome Consulting Baltimore, MD

Ricardo Vela ar9v
A cons a day keeps the nil away

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Monterrey, México

Julio Cabrera juliocabrera820
Software Engineer 💻 |> Metalhead 🤘🏼 |> Tech Enthusiast

@reservamos Mérida, Yucatán, México

Doug Johnston dougjohnston

Rick Steves Europe Seattle, WA

Romain Sempé rsempe

Ruby42 Carpentras

Jiří Altman JuryA
"Konstrukční dokonalosti není dosaženo tehdy, když už není co přidat, ale tehdy, když už nemůžete nic odebrat." -- Eric S. Raymond (Katedrála a tržiště)

Brno, Czech Republic

Dakota Chambers dcchambers
Tech Lead/SWE @zendesk building tools for deployments, config, k8s, & infra. Polyglot with extra ❤️ for Ruby and Go. Obsessed with good docs.

@zendesk Madison, WI

Andrey Marchenko anmarchenko

@Datadog Potsdam, Germany

Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Ken Lenhart Penitent0
I am Back-End Software Engineer that LOVES data structure algorithms!

Seattle, WA

Hasnat Ahmed HASNAT204
Enthusiast Software Engineer
Nicolas Buduroi budu

Code Genome Montreal, QC

Oleksii Kuznietsov nattfodd
Ruby/JS Developer

Swansea, UK

Hannan Gujjar hannangujar
Talented Software Engineer proficient in all phases of the web development life cycle.

Lahore, Pakistan

Quentin Rousseau kwent
Code is poetry.

CTO, Co-Founder at @rootlyhq San Francisco

Hybras hybras
Hi, I am Varun Chari, a junior @ University of Maryland

@capitalone Mclean, VA

Rodrigo Vilina rodrigovilina
I'm a Software Gardener and Mentor. For the past years I've dedicated myself professionally to teach others who are entering the Software Development world.


Chris Lowder clowder
Ruby Developer, CTO, YC alum.


Matteo Rossi matteoredz
I'm a software developer, technical leader, and hands-on engineering manager, passionate about tackling complex problems with simple yet elegant solutions.

Milan, Italy

Chris Coetzee chriscz
Full stack Ruby on Rails. Interested in all aspects of product development.


Tygh Walters LucidIndian
Father 👨‍👩‍👦, Founder: SellerSmile, Packers fan, 🪕picker, and Ruby on Rails.

Blue Drumlin Seattle, WA

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Matson ShokHed
Electrical Engineer in control systems learning webdev


Ajai Danial ajaidanial
Development, DevOps & Architecture

Chennai, India

