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blokslabs blokslabs
Hash is the best soul binding.
infoshark Hashbury1
Web3 | DevOps | Solidity |
CaiShao BY-musi
a trouble maker

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Martin Mutonga martinmutonga
Founder Bitcoin Nairobi Nairobi Kenya

Chloe Zhu Chloezhu010
Building ETHPanda & LXDAO, Prev. EIP Fun Project Lead
近藤 晴輝 HarukiKondo


Atrax atraxsrc

ʕ•̫͡•ʔ °

Hui Zhang zhanghuidinah
CNCF Ambassador, @NetEase OSPO, @opencurve Maintainer, @chaos-mesh ambassador, Previously @caicloud

@vesoft-inc Hangzhou

Shouran MA OChicken
A PhD student at LTH Lund

LTH Lund Lund, Sweden

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

DiabloNova DiabloNova
AKA EP_X0FF Developer of: CsrWalker Process Walker Rootkit Unhooker RkU (MBR check at SCSI level for Mebroot) and etc ... !
Xeonacid Xeonacid

@ComputerScienceHIT Earth

Yanbo Wang yanboishere
20yo. Web3 Builder|Startup @WorkWorkWeb3 Co-Founder|YOLO|Drop out|Digital Tramp

@WorkWorkWeb3 Remote around world.

FTNGKG xybaf5

飞天南瓜科技有限公司 中国

Elizabeth Lui elihylui
Blockchain Engineer based in London :)

London, United Kingdom

Steven telesteven
new to the programming world